Thursday, December 30, 2010

Revival of sorts...

Alright, so this whole blogging thing and I got off to a bad start. Now, in the wake of the new year I will try again to stick with updating this. So yeah. Here goes. Enjoy.

A lot has happened since my last post here. I've settled into York with my girlfriend Karen, we made the little studio quite homey, and we did student things like wait until the last few days to write essays, pig out on pizza and ice cream, etc etc. I also managed to get 2.1's (B's) on all of my essays this semester, which makes me fairly happy. Think I will try for a first on my next one, we'll see what happens with that. Then there are my exams which are looming broodingly on the horizon, a scary thought.

Then along came the Christmas break. We spent the majority of that in Durham while waiting for a flight to Norway, the first of which was cancelled due to the plane being stuck in Brussels, so we had to wait a few days for the next one. On finally getting to Norway, we spent the period of the 22nd to the 29th at Karen's mother's house having a 'God Jul' and eating lots of food. Naturally. I also learned that us Brit's have no concept or grasp on the idea of cold weather. It was -20 most days in Norway, where in Britain airports were shutting down at -5 (I'm looking at you Heathrow).  And as it is I would like to thank everyone who gave me food, presents and a bed to sleep in for everything this Christmas and I wish you all a happy new year!

My new year's resolution, by the way is going to be keeping this thing up to date.
So concludes my little blogging revival, catch you next time ;)