Monday, September 13, 2010

So, today I blog...

Alright. So I said I'd start a blog, and here it is! You all get to be gifted with my ramblings and musings from now on, aren't you spoiled?! Why am I suddenly blogging, those of you who read this may ask? Because I can mostly, and because it will give me something to do to fill time in when I've played on the Xbox 'till my thumbs are sore and have written enough to fill a library for University studies.

So, anyway. To begin. Six days until I get into my Studio apartment in York. By the gods, I cant wait! Having my own place with K is going to be amazing! I want it now. Please.

Keeping this short for my first posting, The next six days are going to be fairly dull anyhow, and I wont bore people with tales of me sat on my ass playing Mass Effect  =P
Hopefully I can get some friends on this thing, and some comments would be great too if you feel inclined!

Peace folks.

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