Saturday, January 1, 2011

Roll on New Year...

Alright! Happy New Year people!

So after a 2010 where I tried new things, travelled a bit, then settled down to uni studies, I'm looking forward to the same again. Passing my year would be nice, getting a job would be helpful, but most of all I'm looking orward to having fun with Karen and making the most of my time in York. To help me do that, there are many awesome game releases to look forward to. Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3 to name a couple. Hopefully these games will keep me occupied for another year in between studies and watching movies. Again of which several new ones to look out for arrive this year. Like Thor.

Anyway, have a great 2011 guys and gals, and don't do anything I wouldn't unless you plan to tell me all about it.

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